Toronto Population Health Status Indicators Dashboard

Population Health Status Indicators (PHSIs) summarize data used to measure health outcomes and behaviours at a population level. They provide an overview of health and well-being over time and across populations

Toronto Public Health (TPH) reports on a series of PHSIs to support its mission to reduce health inequities and improve the health of the whole population. These indicators can be searched by topic through interactive dashboards. They are analyzed over time, by geography and by socio-demographic characteristics.

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Dashboard updated in 2024-2025.

Analyzing data by geography and by socio-demographic characteristics can help to identify, monitor and respond to health inequities. Differences in income, housing, education, employment and experiences of racism and discrimination can contribute to unfair and preventable differences in health between population groups. Systemic racism and discrimination are important drivers of these inequities.

Differences in health status and behaviours presented on the PHSI dashboards should be understood within this context. An approach of non-stigmatization was used in selecting significant findings to highlight on the PHSI dashboards.

The PHSI dashboards include data on a range of topics that were selected based on public health relevance, data availability, data quality and availability at a sub-population level. For data on the health of Indigenous Peoples in Toronto, please see the Indigenous-led Our Health Counts Toronto study.

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Need help? The User Guide provides information on how to navigate the PHSI dashboards. For questions, assistance or more information, please contact TPH’s Epidemiology and Data Analytics Unit at