About Us
Our overall goal is to support action to reduce health inequities in Ontario.
How we achieve our goal
Through our open-access, freely accessible website, we provide free health and socio-demographic data and maps for everyone to use, download, customize and share. Interactive functionality allows users the ability to view multiple variables on one map. A user guide provides guidance on navigation while methods documents fully describe data sources and analyses.
Our strategy
Provide health profiles of Ontario communities for Ontario communities with relevant and timely information in user-friendly format;
Provide technical support and mechanisms for communities to access data;
Conduct a series of workshops to foster access to and use of health data for decision-making, advocacy and policy, and to
stimulate collaboration;
Respond to the needs of users and adapt to new ways of providing data.
Our long-term approach
To build community capacity to use health information;
To build deeper understanding of Ontario neighbourhoods in order to appreciate the health needs of communities;
To foster academic-hospital-community collaborations to improve population health;
To demonstrate health inequities in order to address them.
Our team is comprised of a wide-range of experts including a family physician with a long career in primary care and population health, geospatial analysts and an epidemiologist partnered with public health professionals, social scientists, community agencies and researchers.
Rick Glazier, the team`s lead, is a family physician at St. Michael's Hospital Unity Health Toronto, a research scientist at MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, a senior scientist at ICES, and a professor at the University of Toronto. Rick has extensive practice and research experience in population health policy and planning. His research interests include evaluating health system transformation, primary care health services delivery models, health of disadvantaged populations, management of chronic conditions, and population-based and geographic methods for improving equity in health.
Anne-Marie Tynan is a research manager with a graduate degree in immigration and settlement studies. She has many years of project leadership, managing the work of the OCHPP team and numerous other research projects at MAP, St. Michael's Hospital Unity Health Toronto, McMaster University and Community Agencies in Toronto.
Peter Gozdyra is a medical geographer with over 15+ years of experience in the development of local area geography, specialized knowledge of transportation network analyses and linkages of people to places. He uses geographic information system (GIS) tools to provide visual representations (maps) of patterns, rates of disease and travel networks.
Mohammad Agha is an epidemiologist and senior research associate with a deep understanding of and experience in linking administrative health data and complex data sets to locations including analyses of data to determine validity especially in smaller local and rural areas in Ontario.
Gary Moloney is a spatial analyst with a specialty in the understanding of socio-demographic datasets and expertise in combining data into meaningful geographic units of analyses, tables, and maps. Gary is responsible for creating custom databases and GIS data sets to run specialized queries, for the development of code to check for data privacy, and testing new tools and software to enhance OCHPP site functionality.
Sher Khan is a research web developer with many years of experience in software development, user experience / user design and IT infrastructure. He is responsible for managing the OCHPP website ensuring posted data align with defined methods and rigorous privacy standards as well as continuously updating and improving site functionality.
Leah Czukar is a data analyst with a specialty in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Leah is responsible for creating many of the maps for the OCHPP website and for checking health and data tables for completion in alignment with spatial analytic and OCHPP standards. Leah provides assistance in updating the interactive maps functionality in addition to editing and maintaining documentation related to process and methods. Leah also provides technical expertise in the development of a new data dashboard.
OCHPP is a partnership between health and community organizations. Our partners play a key role in the overall activities of OCHPP. Partners work together to develop workplans, identify important data needs and contribute expertise. Data produced together is made publicly available whenever possible. We partner with many organizations and communities to advance specific projects and conduct user workshops. Partners contribute in different ways such as sharing data and expertise or providing services in-kind. Some partners also provide funding support ("paying partners").
Feel free to reach out with a question, idea for a new project or advice. To learn more about OCHPP and becoming a partner, please send an email to: healthprofiles@smh.ca
Current partners include MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael’s Hospital Unity Health Toronto, ICES, Toronto Central LHIN, Central LHIN, Wellesley Institute, Toronto Public Health, Access Alliance – Multicultural Health and Community Services, WellBeing Toronto, Health Commons Solutions Lab, ConnexOntario, Ottawa Neighbourhood Study, Peel Public Helath.
How we achieve our goal
Through our open-access, freely accessible website, we provide free health and socio-demographic data and maps for everyone to use, download, customize and share. Interactive functionality allows users the ability to view multiple variables on one map. A user guide provides guidance on navigation while methods documents fully describe data sources and analyses.
Our strategy
stimulate collaboration;
Our long-term approach
Our team is comprised of a wide-range of experts including a family physician with a long career in primary care and population health, geospatial analysts and an epidemiologist partnered with public health professionals, social scientists, community agencies and researchers.
OCHPP is a partnership between health and community organizations. Our partners play a key role in the overall activities of OCHPP. Partners work together to develop workplans, identify important data needs and contribute expertise. Data produced together is made publicly available whenever possible. We partner with many organizations and communities to advance specific projects and conduct user workshops. Partners contribute in different ways such as sharing data and expertise or providing services in-kind. Some partners also provide funding support ("paying partners").
All Partners Meeting ‐ February 01, 2019

Contact Us
Contact for more information or Sign up for New Content alerts: HealthProfiles@smh.ca
How to cite this website:
Ontario Community Health Profiles Partnership; www.ontariohealthprofiles.ca; Accessed on: March 10, 2025
This website was supported by ICES, which is funded by an annual grant from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). The opinions, results and conclusions reported on this website are those of the partners and are independent from the funding sources. No endorsement by ICES or the Ontario MOHLTC is intended or should be inferred.
Parts of this material are based on data and information compiled and provided by Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). However, the analyses, conclusions, opinions and statements expressed herein are those of the partners, and not necessarily those of CIHI.
Parts of this material are based on data and information provided by Cancer Care Ontario (CCO). The opinions, results, view, and conclusions reported on this website are those of the partners and do not necessarily reflect those of CCO. No endorsement by CCO is intended or should be inferred.