Ontario Community Health Profiles Partnership (OCHPP)
Locations and Geographic Boundaries Maps
Long-Term Care Facilities in Toronto Central LHIN2017
Complex Continuing Care Facilities in Toronto Central LHIN2017
Geographic Boundaries
City Wards in Toronto (n=25)2018
Ontario Electoral Districts in City of Toronto (n=25)2018
Federal Electoral Districts in City of Toronto (n=25)
List of Federal Electoral Districts in City of Toronto
List of Federal Electoral Districts in City of Toronto (PDF)
City of Toronto: New Map, 2020   ^^
 • Neighbourhoods in City of Toronto (n=158)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in City of Toronto

List of Neighbourhoods in City of Toronto, 2021 (EXCEL)
City of Toronto: Old Map, 2017
 • Neighbourhoods in City of Toronto and TC LHIN (n=140)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in City of Toronto and TC LHIN
 • Sub-Regions in Toronto Central LHIN (n=5)

List of Neighbourhoods in City of Toronto and TC LHIN (EXCEL)
OH Central: New Map, 2022   
 • Local Areas in OH Central (n=194)
 • Local Areas in OH Central

List of Local Areas in OH Central (EXCEL)
Ontario Central LHIN: Old Map, 2020   ^^
 • Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN (n=108)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN

List of Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN (EXCEL)
Ontario Central LHIN: Old Map, 2018   ^
 • Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN (n=104)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN
 • Sub-Regions in Central LHIN (n=6)

List of Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN, 2018 (EXCEL)
Ontario Central LHIN: Old Map, 2017
 • Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN (n=105)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN
 • Sub-Regions in Central LHIN (n=6)

List of Neighbourhoods in Central LHIN, 2017 (PDF)
Ontario Erie St. Clair (LHIN 1)
 • Neighbourhoods in Neighbourhoods in Erie St. Clair (n=38)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in Erie St. Clair

December 2019
List of Neighbourhoods in Erie St. Clair (EXCEL)
Ontario South West (LHIN 2)
 • Neighbourhoods in South West (n=37)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in South West

December 2019
List of Neighbourhoods in South West (EXCEL)
Ontario Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (LHIN 4)
 • Neighbourhoods in Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (n=94)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant

December 2019
List of Neighbourhoods in Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (EXCEL)
City of Ottawa (Ottawa Neighbourhoods Study-ONS) (LHIN 11)
 • Gen.3 Neighbourhoods in City of Ottawa (n=116)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in City of Ottawa

List of Neighbourhoods (Gen.3) in City of Ottawa (EXCEL)
City of Ottawa (Ottawa Neighbourhoods Study-ONS) (LHIN 11)
 • Neighbourhoods in City of Ottawa (n=111)
 • List of Neighbourhoods in City of Ottawa

List of Neighbourhoods in City of Ottawa (EXCEL)
 • City of Ottawa Downtown Neighbourhoods 2021
Ontario Sub-Regions (n=76)
List of Ontario Sub-Regions
List of Ontario Sub-Regions (EXCEL)
Ontario Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) (n=14)
List of Ontario LHINs
List of Ontario LHINs (EXCEL)
Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) of Toronto2010
Ontario Health Interim and Transitional Regions (n=5)
List of Ontario Health Interim and Transitional Regions (Interim Regions)
List of Ontario Interim Regions (EXCEL)
Ontario Health Regions (n=6)
List of Ontario Health Regions
List of Ontario Health Regions (EXCEL)

Neighbourhoods outside the City of Toronto have been relabelled to include the LHIN number as a prefix. In 2018, numbering of former LHIN 8 neighbourhood IDs 141 thru 207, 210 and 211 have been revised to 8141 thru 8207, 8210 and 8211.
Two neighbourhoods in LHIN 8 were merged into one neighbourhood: 8211 is comprised of former neighbourhoods 208 and 209.
Additionally, boundaries for neighbourhoods 8172, 8181, 8185, 8187, 8189, 8191 and 8203 were re-drawn; users should exercise caution when comparing data before and after January 29 2018, when these boundaries were officially incorporated into new indicator data sets.

The Social Development, Finance and Administration division of the City of Toronto has split Toronto`s 140 neighbourhoods to account for population change over the last 20 years. City of Toronto neighbourhood identification numbers (IDs) are sequential from 1 to 140; however, where a neighbourhood has been split, it`s ID under the prior numbering system has been removed and replaced with two (or more) new IDs. Numbering for new neighbourhoods begins at 141. There are 34 new identification numbers (141 thru 174) to replace 16 neighbourhoods where administrative boundaries have been reconfigured to define 18 new neighbourhoods There are gaps in the numbering sequence between 1 and 174 to accommodate these changes. Users should exercise caution when comparing data before and after January 27, 2020, when these boundaries were officially incorporated into new OCHPP indicator data sets.

Note: Effective April 1, 2023: Ontario Health (OH) realigned the borders of its Central, East and Toronto OH regions with the City of Toronto’s municipal boundaries. Going forward, health (and other) indicator data generated by OCHPP for OH regions will reflect the realigned boundaries. Disclaimer: Data analysis are not directly comparable to those based on the legacy OH Regions in place prior to April 1, 2023, or to analysis aggregated from the legacy Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs). For more information about changes and updates to OH regional boundaries see our FAQs.